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How to use Briefmatic

A quick guide to getting the most out of Briefmatic

Robert Mark avatar
Written by Robert Mark
Updated over a week ago

Briefmatic is designed to help collaborators and co-writers master their day. It collects all your outstanding action items across your apps and your google drive profile and groups then in one place so both you and your team can be more productive.

The four key components to Briefmatic are the Task List page, the Task Board page, the Scheduler and the Connections page.

Task List

The Task List page is for the lovers of lists. On this page all of your items are shown in a traditional list view. All items are grouped according to their status i.e. to do, doing, done. Each item includes a document type indicator, a number of comments tracker and a brief description, a due date and a status.

Tasks are ordered based on the date created. You can also click on any of the column headings i.e. due date or scheduled, to change the order. You can click on an item to change the status or description, add comments, or amend the due date.

Task Board

The Task Board is for the agile maestros who prefer a Kanban board style. You can customise the Task Board to suit your ways of working by editing the titles of the existing swim lanes and by adding your own additional swim lanes if required.

On the board, new tasks are added below existing tasks but the user can then sort their tasks by simply dragging and dropping them in the preferred order. Drag and drop items to move and prioritise them and use the quick add "Add Task" item to add additional "to do's." Each task in the Task Board also includes a document type identifier on the left plus a number of comments tracker on the right.

The Scheduler

Coming soon - here you will be able to schedule all your important jobs and book out the time you need direct into your gmail calendar.


The Connections page is where you can turn Briefmatic into your super power. By connecting Briefmatic with all the tools you use to collaborate, Briefmatic can help bring ALL the items requiring your attention across All your tools so you can make better and faster decisions. Click on the Connection icons to get started and let us know which tools matter to you.

That brings us to the end of this quick guide, now go start customising your Briefmatic account to your ways or working.

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